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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gates Through Windows!

This was my first ever published article it saw life through the cylinders of a press on 6th day of July 2007.Two years ago!
Ever since a certain Gate(s) introduced Windows to an unsuspecting world, it and its premier spoken language, English, have never been the same again. Other than the varied mouses, some balled others without one, that now infect our desktops (no longer just pieces of wood), along with some dreaded viruses that can really byte while cooing, “I Love U!”, there have been other mutilations of the language as we once knew it.

“OOPS” is no longer what you mumble in real dismay, when you step on the toes of your fairer dancing partner, neither is it uttered, (in utmost, unconcealed glee) when you spill coffee on the new suit of her latest suitor; it now stands for Object Oriented Programming System, what ever is that supposed to mean.

Remember there was a time, when the only ‘emale’ a normal, non geek, fellow knew of, followed the sixth alphabet of the English language and could make the poor man follow her for the rest of her life, if she so designed.

A mere decade ago, a male- female, telephonic conversation could well have gone on these lines:

Male (traveling abroad, but still living in the dark ages) : So Darling, I am putting the phone down. I hope you have noted down the list of things to do?

Female (newly enlightened by her fashionable computer classes and wishing to show off): Why don’t you send me a mail? Note the address please.

Male (After a long pause spitting each word out slowly):God forbid! Why would I send you one? I am and will be the only male in your life, till I live and afterwards too!

Or conversely:

Enlightened Male: It will take me at least a couple of weeks more before I will land up in India! Meanwhile I am sending you a mail honey! Will be of great use to you.

Uninitiated female, blushing pink: Hey wow! You are such a sweetheart! Any colour will do! Just make sure he is at least a six footer, well built, and please tell him not to be too gentle!

Or worse:

Female: My sweetie pie, you are spending your Birthday so far away from home! To shower love on you, I am sending you a mail.

Male( in a low, hoarse whisper) :Shit !how did you know? Who told you?

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